About the Outdoor Labyrinths

Underneath a canopy of trees, you'll find Rolling Ridge's outdoor labyrinths: seven-circuit classical paths marked with stones from around the world. Built by Dot Wright-Irwin, each labyrinth invites guests to walk, pray, and reflect on the journey of twists and turns, leading to the center, while discovering something new about ourselves and God.

In walking the labyrinth it is possible to discern 3 stages of the walk.

  1. Shedding—letting go, releasing cares and concerns which distract us or block the work of the Spirit. In the mystical tradition this is called purgation. Quiet your mind and soul. Be present to what is happening now.
  2. Illumination—receiving insight in the center, we ask for clarity about our lives and holy energy for the journey. The center is a place of prayer, meditation and inspiration.
  3. Union—journeying out from the center, we take the experience back to our ordinary lives. We give thanks for any insights or gifts. We may carry a refreshed spirit, a renewed vision, a calm gratitude, a deep awareness, a grateful forgiveness.

To learn more about our labyrinths, and to find a written guide for walking the labyrinth, please click here.

For those who may not be able to experience the beauty of our outdoor labyrinth, an indoor canvas labyrinth is available for guest usage. Contact Guest Services about using the indoor labyrinth during your event.
