Much like the elegant arches at Rolling Ridge support the beauty of our historic manor, seamlessly connecting house and gardens, The Arches Society is a link between today and tomorrow, upholding the mission of Rolling Ridge for generations to come. Through the Arches Society, your commitment ensures a legacy for our ministry and programming, and the preservation of our cherished property and grounds.
Membership in The Arches Society honors individuals who include Rolling Ridge in their estate or long-term giving plans. As pillars of support for the future of our organization, Society members recognize the importance of safeguarding the Ridge's lasting impact, raising their example high for others to follow.
When considering planned giving, you can ensure a vital future for Rolling Ridge, the place you love and the values you share. Depending on the type of planned gift you choose, you may benefit from tax advantages that benefit you and your heirs, and some gift arrangements can even provide income during your lifetime. Through planned giving, you can make a more significant impact than through annual donations alone.
Membership in the Arches Society includes:
At Rolling Ridge, we offer several ways for you to make a lasting impact through planned giving. Each option provides unique benefits for both you and our nonprofit organization. Consider these opportunities:
A bequest is one of the simplest and most flexible ways to leave a legacy. Working with your advisor, you can include Rolling Ridge in your will or living trust by gifting:
For those 70½ or older, making a gift directly from your IRA can be an excellent option:
For supporters of multiple charities, we offer two types of funds:
These options provide flexibility and can simplify your charitable giving strategy.
These arrangements allow you to support Rolling Ridge while receiving income for life:
These options can provide tax benefits and a steady income stream while supporting our mission.
Donating stocks, bonds, or mutual funds that have increased in value can be a tax-wise way to give:
Rolling Ridge is proud to partner with the United Methodist Foundation of New England (UMFNE) to manage endowments, bequests, and long-term giving. They can help you decide what, how, and when to give. Knowing which assets to give to family and which are best for charity can save thousands in taxes.
Gary Melville, Director of Development
800-595-4347 x103
Lawrence Jay, Executive Director
Gift planning consultations are free! If you are interested in joining the Arches Society, please contact us!
Contact UsYour planned gift, regardless of size, plays a crucial role in securing the future of Rolling Ridge. Thank you for considering the Arches Society!