August 15, 2024
Your body carries wisdom and is a profound teacher of truth when we take time to listen. This upcoming season, Rolling Ridge will focus on spiritual practices that invite us to pay attention to our bodies and to be "wholly present." We hope that you will join us at one of our upcoming retreats and consider your body as a spiritual guide and retreat leader.
Reiki is a healing practice and spiritual practice that engages the mind, the body and the heart to assist us in becoming wholly present in our lives. This gentle touch practice calms the nervous system, and as such, is a way to repeatedly cultivate pause and mindfulness in our lives. We invite you to experience the spiritual benefits of Reiki on Tuesday, September 17th from 9:30-3:30 as Judy Bousquin introduces you to Reiki as a self-healing spiritual practice. You will leave this Day Apart Retreat feeling refreshed, grounded, embraced and wholly present.
Art and Earth are important themes of contemplative spirituality at Rolling Ridge, and are key avenues to be wholly present to ourselves. We invite you to join Nadine Mazzola on Tuesday, September 24th as she helps each of us discover the "creative me" within. On this Day Apart from 9:30-3:30, we will engage various ways of knowing with our hearts, mind, body, and spirit, and incorporating elements of forest bathing and expressive arts. You will work with simple materials and methods to reflect upon and create from what you are noticing in nature and yourself..
The human body may connect us to the Divine, but it is also the place where we store our hurts and traumas. This can diminish our ability to feel at home in our physical form, cutting us off from feeling the presence and guidance from God. We invite you to join us on Tuesday, October 1st as Deb LeClair helps us recognize the body as ally to heal our connection with the Divine. This trauma-informed workshop from 9:30-3:30 will explore the ways we disconnect from our bodies and how we can build back our relationship to our own embodiment that starts. Through this Day Apart you will experience ways to shift out of your head and into the wisdom of your body.
"Being Wholly Present" or present with our whole bodies is the focus of our 2024-2025 retreat year at Rolling Ridge. The three above retreats are just a taste of what we have in store as we provide resources to help you discover the fullness of who you are in body, mind, and heart. Join us for one of our upcoming SoulCare Summits -- in-person for a day retreat on Thursday, September 5th or online on Sunday, September 8th. You will experience a taste of what is coming this season. Check out our full line up here.