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Creating A Culture Of Renewal

March 2, 2020

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By Bonnie Marden, New England CCR representative and faculty:

"Creating a Culture of Renewal is one of the best leadership experiences of my ministry – everyone can benefit from greater self-awareness and accountability!" 
– Steve Garnaas-Holmes, Pastor,  St. Matthew's United Methodist Church, Acton MA

• Are you ready to expand your ministry rather than manage decline?
• Looking to empower yourself and others to work well together and create courageous community?
• Would you like to vision possibilities that are not possible without God’s help and practice getting in action – co-creating miracles with God and with other allies?
Creating A Culture of Renewal (CCR) is an investment in yourself and your leadership effectiveness in whatever ways God is calling us to grow. I found this leadership empowerment process and its practical skills for ministry and working well with others both empowering and challenging. Since completing the 3-year process, I am increasingly confident that this process delivers what it promises.

CCR prompted me and others to move past the boundaries we have accepted so that we co-create with others new visions that Jesus is waiting for us to give our attention. Whether you feel fully satisfied with your current ministry setting or have a sense that things could be better or feel something just isn’t right, Creating A Culture of Renewal grows participants from leaders who lead to leaders who create other leaders.

Consider how the following results would impact you in your current or future ministry setting:
• Would you like to see more people in your church or ministry participating and taking action rather than just sitting in the pews?  
• Would you like to be more comfortable working with people who are different in temperament from you and who sometimes annoy you?
• Would you like to be able to interrupt things that keep us stuck personally or professionally and see new possibilities we can’t see now?
• In addition to making disciples, would you like to create apostles?
• Finally, what personal or professional dream or vision is gestating and waiting to be born and shared with others?

This 3 year process has challenged me, has patiently cultivated my accountability, and has expanded my vision. By paying attention to my communication style and the impact it has on others, I now understand how I can lead with more clarity and courage. Discovering that others want more from me as a leader and learning how to lead in ways that more people understand challenged me to grow and increase my effectiveness and accomplishments.

Professionally, I have launched my consulting business and have become a published author. The process centers on pastoral ministry yet is applicable to any career and to our personal relationships. As I move into a faculty role with CCR, I look forward to sharing this process and experience with you.

I am confident you will see the people in your church differently, you will see yourself differently and you will see God’s spirit moving in new ways as we all break new ground together.

Early bird discount for the New England 2019 Cohort ends on July 1, 2019.
For more information

Early registration discount ends on March 31st so register soon. 
Opening Retreat: September 3-5, 2020(Noon to Noon)
Closing Retreat: TBA
Monthly 2 hour webinars: 3rd Tuesday at 10am (ET)
Monthly Mentor Call and Buddy Call
Personal DiSC profile and 10 profiles you invite others to complete

Only costs beyond registration are Retreat Accommodations estimated at $500 with at least half covered by a scholarship available for new participants.

Note: MEF grants have supported many United Methodist participants covering almost all of the first year costs.Please check your local church continuing education funds and we continue to seek additional financial support for this project.

Other CCR Testimonies:
• "We have a fresh vision that guides and challenges us. It expands assumptions about what we thought was possible."
• "Our vision is too big for us to fulfill on our own. It requires the presence and power of God to fulfill it."
• "Everyone knows what our vision is. It’s evocative, inspiring, and easy to remember."
• "Our vision points beyond us, and the survival of the church, to the community and Kingdom around us."
• "We take actions based in our trust of God. Not just personal preferences or budgetary constraints."
• "We encourage a variety of spiritual practices that address different needs, styles and temperaments."

About the author