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Taizé Into Lent

February 9, 2024

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Next Wednesday, the journey of Lent begins with Rolling Ridge offering a whole host of opportunities to spiritually companion you to the hope of Easter and resurrection through Christ.  Check out our offerings.

Thanks to the generosity of Brian Bayer Larson, we are adding an in-person Community Lenten Taizé Service to our Lenten line-up.  We invite you to join us on Tuesday, February 20th at 7 pm for an evening of Taizé music, silence, and scripture to create space for your soul this Lenten season.  All are welcome!  An optional dinner may be added to extend your time at the Ridge, with registration still open for our Taizé Lenten Quiet Day on Wednesday, February 21st with overnight options available Tuesday night and Wednesday night.  

If you are inspired by Taizé music, we invite you to also consider joining us ONLINE for our 7 week Lenten Prayer Journey that begins on Sunday, February 18th.  Each Sunday during Lent at 6:00 pm, we begin with a Taizé song to set the tone for an evening of reflection, silence, and contemplative sharing with our Prayer Loom creating shape (and color) to our weekly times together.  Even if you are unable to join us live, the recordings are shared to allow you to pray along with us at a time that may be more convenient to you.  "Holy Solitude" by Heidi Haverkamp will be our guide this year.

Along with music and silence, our Lenten series focuses on other embodied spiritual practices this year.  Art.  Yoga.  Tai Chi.  Allow the fullness of your being to be wrapped into the fullness of God's being as you open yourself to the Lenten Journey with Rolling Ridge this year.


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