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Program Details

This "a taste of" on-line retreat is no charge. Once registered, an email link will be sent to you with the zoom meeting ID, the day before your retreat.

Living as we do in times of disruption and change, we often seek wisdom and guidance to find our way. And yet, our culture of noise, busyness, and distraction can make it difficult to discover the wisdom and guidance for which we long. The Christian tradition of discernment helps us to quiet our hearts and minds so that we can connect to the Wisdom that is lies within -- allowing us to cultivate hearts that are open and receptive to hear God’s gentle movements. In this Day Apart, we will look at some of the obstacles to discernment, consider the possibilities for integrating discernment and contemplative practice in our own lives, and most of all, take the opportunity to practice and reflect together. You will come away from this Day Apart with a deeper understanding of discernment as well as some concrete steps to integrate practices that nurture discernment in your daily life.

We  invite you to extend your time at the Ridge with an overnight retreat, and join John Kiemele’s Day Apart Retreat on Monday, April 27th as he leads the retreat,  “Awaken to LIFE”.
Come for both Monday and Tuesday Day Apart Retreats, enjoy Monday dinner, your overnight stay in a private room and breakfast on Tuesday.  Cost: $199 per person

About the Leaders

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January 1, 2025

I'm Looking for a Spiritual Director

with Rolling Ridge staff

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March 16, 2025

Rohr Book Study: Breathing Under Water

with Lawrence Jay

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March 16, 2025

Lenten Prayer Journey

with Lawrence Jay

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March 18, 2025

Listening Together... Encountering God Where We Live

with John Kiemele and Gayle Kerr