Find Listening Companions for the Spiritual Journey

At Rolling Ridge, we understand spiritual direction to be the art of deep listening and holy accompaniment — a spiritual practice in which a trained companion helps us to create the contemplative space to attend to the subtle movements of the Divine within the ordinary moments of life.

In our culture of constant noise, distraction, and reactivity, the gift of listening — and of being deeply heard — opens us to new dimensions of awareness about ourselves, others, and God's ongoing work in our lives. Through direction, we begin to notice threads of divine presence woven through even our most mundane experiences.

Wherever you find yourself on your spiritual journey — whether immersed in a particular faith tradition, exploring the edges of belief, or simply sensing a call to deeper meaning — we'll help you connect with a trained spiritual director from our Listening Collective network who will walk alongside you with reverent attention. Together, you and your director will create a contemplative space where you can discover fresh ways of recognizing and responding to God's unique invitation.

Get started today by clicking the "Request Direction" button, or find answers to Common Questions about Spiritual Direction below.

Hands holding a coffee cup, a bible is open on a white table, a potted plant is in view

Get Started Today

Click the button below and fill out a request form. We'll match you with a spiritual director from our Listening Collective network who can accompany you on the path of contemplation and transformation.

Request Direction

What is spiritual direction?

What happens in a spiritual direction session?

What is the difference between spiritual direction and spiritual companioning?

How much does spiritual direction cost?

Do I have to be part of a specific religious tradition to receive direction?

How can I find a spiritual director near me?

Is spiritual direction available online?

How do I know if a spiritual director is right for me?

Who are your spiritual directors and what qualifications do they have?

Where can I find more resources about spiritual direction?

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January 1, 2025

I'm Looking for a Spiritual Director

with Rolling Ridge staff

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March 9, 2025

Rohr Action and Contemplation Small Group

with Lawrence Jay

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March 9, 2025

Lenten Prayer Journey

with Lawrence Jay

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March 10, 2025

SoulCare: Befriending Your Body

with Carrie Ives