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Program Details

Listening Together Spiritual Direction/Deep Listening enrichment event
Presents “Bumping Against Borders”

Our Listening Together series is for all who practice deep listening as spiritual companions…for all who listen others into Life. Twice each year we gather as deep listeners for intentional connections and pertinent conversations and resources that deepen and enrich our purposes and practices.

The topic for our Spring hybrid gathering (onsite and online) is “Bumping Against Borders” with John Kiemele and Gayle Kerr.

Borderlands are found between two “cultures” with differing life experiences and perspectives (e.g., political, racial, denominational, socio-economical). As a deep listener, what happens when I encounter a borderland within my practice? How do I listen when all my own questions begin to bombard me? This enrichment workshop is about welcoming the borderland and discovering our willingness to open and step into the unique invitations of mutual transformation possible within borderlands, to being with others in these in-between spaces with openness of spirit in order for Love to create change and Life to continue flowing. During this time together we will consider themes of recognizing, listening through, and companioning transformation. Join us for large and small group interactions and a real-life case study as we experience this Listening Together topic.

This is a hybrid event: Thursday March 23 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Registration Info:
- $49 = ONLINE at home via Zoom
- $69 = ONSITEat Rolling Ridge Retreat Center, includes onsite lunch
- Option: $179 = adding the ONSITE “Sacred Pause” overnightretreat (Begins on Wednesday, March 22nd at 2pm with group session at 4:30 pm, and includes Wednesday dinner, overnight accommodations, Thursday breakfast and lunch, as well as “Listening Together” event on Thursday starting at 10:30 a.m.

About “A Sacred Pause” Retreat:

This 24-hour retreat at the Ridge invites you to intentionally slow the pace and widen the space, listening with the Divine Companion of our stillness. In our oft-overcrowded lives, hitting the pause button offers a much-needed reset, a time filled with less in order to experience more. Come enjoy the quiet, experience the pause. (Note: This retreat provides great preparation for our Listening Together spiritual director’s enrichment event on Thursday morning.)

Arrive as early as 2pm on Wednesday and depart at 2pm on Thursday. The $179 registration fee includes the Thursday morning “Bumping Against Borders” session). In other words, add dinner, overnight, and breakfast for just $110 and experience a spacious time for your spirit to soar in the silence of community in this sacred space of the Ridge.

For more information, contact John Kiemele or Rolling Ridge.

Please note: Masks are required for all of our non-vaccinated guests. Masks are strongly encouraged for all guests.

About the Leaders

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