January 1, 2025
I'm Looking for a Spiritual Directorwith Rolling Ridge staff
Join us ONLINE for a new Spiritual Seekers Series at Rolling Ridge
First Tuesdays of the month (February to June 2025) 7:00 to 9:00 PM eastern
Increasing numbers of people consider themselves to be “Spiritual but not Religious.” And they have questions like: “How do I find a community of other spiritual seekers and explorers?” and “How do I build my spiritual toolkit?” If this sounds like you, Rolling Ridge has a new program offering that may fit the bill.
The Spiritual Seekers Series is a set of five ONLINE evening gatherings offered on the first Tuesday of each month starting in February 2025. The sessions’ topics are patterned after the “Spiritual Emergence” Day Apart programs previously offered at Rolling Ridge. Each evening session will offer a deeper dive into the elements of the spiritual journey that lies outside and beyond the bounds of traditional religion.
Session topics are:
Through this series, we seek to build community and to craft an openness for to all the ways the spirit moves within and through each of us. While the shapelessness of discovery may at first be feel disconcerting, we will embrace this openness as a way honor and serve all expressions of spirituality as a human experience.
This course builds across each of the five sessions, and is priced as a unit. Unfortunately because of staffing it cannot be prorated for partial attendance, though missing a session would not handicap your understanding and participation of subsequent sessions.
Registration cost for the 5-part ONLINE series: $75 per person. (There is no part-time registration fee.)