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Program Details

Over the past few years, Rev. Lee Ireland has facilitated Gatherings of Women that have journeyed together. Wisdom and healing have occurred with an ongoing desire to walk more deeply into the freedom and gracious love that God is inviting them to experience.

For the 2023-24 year, we invite women who have been part of the various groups to join together for a brand new "Gathering of Women: Entering the Castle."

Starting September 23 and continuing on the fourth Saturdays, from 9:30-11:30 am, Rev. Lee will offer monthly classes on Caroline Myss’ profound book, Entering the Castle: Finding the Inner Path to God and Your Soul's Purpose. Wrestling with Teresa of Avila’s mystical work, Myss invites each of us to explore our own inner worlds and gain wisdom of our life’s purpose and inner voice.

The group will meet ONLINE on the fourth Saturday of the month from 9:30-11:30 am beginning Saturday, September 23rd through June, navigating the calendar as a group during the holiday months. There will be 9 sessions for the year.

Everyone will need to register and pay a nominal fee of $139 to receive the link and to support Lee and this ongoing ministry with women through Rolling Ridge.

Please register above and purchase your own copy of the book as you will want to underline key passages and reflect on certain sections many times, during our study, and as you go forward into your own life.

Myss offered the following description of her work and goal for each of us.

"A highly original inner path to self-knowledge, the Castle is also the road to spiritual knowledge of God and your own soul. In fact the soul is your spiritual castle and doing interior soul work helps you find your path in the world. Teresa of Ávila's vision of the soul as a beautiful crystal castle with many mansions, and many rooms within those mansions, is the template for this modern spiritual journey on which you meet different aspects of yourself and spirit and prepare for the ultimate encounter with God and your own divinity. Seven stages of intense practices and methods of spiritual inquiry develop your personal powers of prayer, contemplation, and intuition, which in turn reinforce your interior castle and build a soul of strength and stamina. With stories and inspiration from mystics of all traditions, Entering the Castle is a comprehensive guide for the journey of your life -- a journey into the center of your soul. There, peace, God, and a fearless joy wait for you to discover them...and claim them for your own."

Come and join us as we each enter our own Castles and discover all that God is revealing in 2023 to increase the light, love and grace in the world through each one of us.

“When you enter your Castle, ‘you will be embarking on a life’s journey that will transform you and your relationship with God and the world. You will learn that you need not leave home to meet God and receive grace.  It takes courage to engage with your soul. … More than a book, “Entering the Castle” is a Great guide to your soul, a text of spiritual direction to which you can refer for the rest of your life.” 

About the Leaders

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January 1, 2025

I'm Looking for a Spiritual Director

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March 11, 2025

Lenten Companioned Retreat 2025

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March 16, 2025

Rohr Book Study: Breathing Under Water

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March 16, 2025

Lenten Prayer Journey

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