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Program Details

Listening Together Spiritual Direction/Deep Listening enrichment event
Presents “Listening into the Outrage”

Our Listening Together series is for all who practice deep listening as spiritual companions…for all who listen others into Life. Twice each year we gather as deep listeners for intentional connections and pertinent conversations and resources that deepen and enrich our purposes and practices.

The topic for our Spring hybrid gathering (onsite and online) is “Listening into the Outrage” with guest presenter Andrea Kastner zooming from Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada.

“Listening into the Outrage” – Anger is described as a secondary emotion, however lately it appears to have seized a primary role within our various relational contexts. What do we do with anger’s threatening overflow? How might deep listening redirect this unleashed energy? How do we as deep listeners navigate the outrage we experience these days? Drawing from the Non-Violent Communication movement along with other compassion-focused resources, this 90-minute workshop explores listening’s impact on anger, how God meets us in our anger, and how to nurture timely movements away from judgment of self and others or suppression toward more compassionate, loving actions both in ourselves as spiritual directors/deep listeners and in those alongside whom we listen. Through large and small group interactions and personal reflections, we anticipate experiencing this Listening Together topic with you.

This is a hybrid event:
As a HYBRID event:

  • You can join us IN-PERSON onsite at the Ridge from 10:30-2:00 pm including lunch for $50


  • You can join us ONLINE via Zoom from 10:30-12:00 noon for $30.


  • You can come a Day Early for "A Sacred Pause" - a 24 hour IN-PERSON spiritual directors retreat including "Listening into the Outrage" for $150

“A Sacred Pause” Retreat

A retreat inviting you to take intentional 24-hours to slow the pace and widen the space…listening with the Divine Companion of our stillness. In our oft-overcrowded lives, hitting the pause button offers a much-needed reset, a time filled with less in order to experience more. Come…enjoy the quiet…experience the pause. (Note: This retreat provides great preparation for our Listening Together spiritual director’s enrichment event on Thursday morning.)

Arrive as early as 2pm on Wednesday, March 23, and depart at 2pm on Thursday, March 24 for a 24 hour retreat at the Ridge. Fee: $150 (includes the Thursday morning "Listening into the Outrage" session). In other words, add dinner, overnight, and breakfast for just $100 and experience a spacious time for your spirit to soar in the silence of community in this sacred space of the Ridge.

Facilitator: John Kiemele, PhD, program director at Rolling Ridge

Sacred Pause Retreat Schedule:

Wednesday March 232 p.m. Arriving
Settling in & personal time for reflection
6 p.m. Dinner
7 p.m. Group Session
8:30 p.m. Evening Prayers
9 p.m. Entering the Great Stillness

Thursday, March 24 7:30 a.m. Morning Prayers
8 a.m.Breakfast
10:30 a.m. Listening Together: Listening into the Outrage
12:30 p.m. Lunch
Personal time for reflection
2 p.m. Departing

For more information, contact John Kiemele or Rolling Ridge.

About the Leaders

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