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Program Details

"Holy Communion-ity" is the Spring Retreat of Illuman's New England Council, a council for men seeking to reconnect with their inner, spiritual, relational selves, and the deep needs of the world.

We enjoy being with each other. That's the truth. In fact "enjoying being with each other" is our definition of community.

And this retreat weekend is all about the joy of BEING a community in person. (Mask up at your own choice.)

Yes, community-BUILDING is a thing, but BEING community is so much more enjoyable, enriching and FUN.

This retreat is about BEING A Community in three parts:

1. National expert Ben Campbell will guide us on using the Enneagram to commune with Nature. If you're not familiar with the Enneagram, that's okay, but please contact Tony Pelusi (tony@tonypelusi.com) to learn about how you can discover your Enneatype before the retreat.

2. Super spiritual star John Ball (Episcopal priest, former convener of DC Illuman, co-founder of the Illuman East Coast Collaborative) will guide us on experiencing community through The Journey of Illumination. You can learn the basics of the Journey of Illumination here.

3. And YOU. Yes, you. The New England and East Coast Men. We will be community to each other through a facilitated group experience.

This is a time to convene and commune in person with like-minded men traveling the path of spiritual and personal development. If you need assistance with the registration fee please let us know. The 15 slots fill-up fast so please register early, with only one private room still remaining.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email Tony Pelusi.

About the Leaders

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January 1, 2025

I'm Looking for a Spiritual Director

with Rolling Ridge staff

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March 16, 2025

Rohr Book Study: Breathing Under Water

with Lawrence Jay

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March 16, 2025

Lenten Prayer Journey

with Lawrence Jay

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March 18, 2025

Listening Together... Encountering God Where We Live

with John Kiemele and Gayle Kerr